The shameful Chris Rock
So I HAVE to start my first post off with the truth about Chris Rock's degrading MOCKumentary. I was super excited about the movie initially-- thinking that it would talk about the known issue of "Good Hair"-- where the term came from, slavery, etc. Then I figured it'd touch on perms (which in did), but then also talk about the natural hair movement that has been going strong since India Arie's "I Am Not My Hair" (around 2005). But NO it did not, it was Shameful, just downright shameful. That movie deals with the self-hate black men have for themselves and their women more than anything else.... Black women are comfortable with themselves-- natural, perm, or extensions. I think most of us are just over it.... but its the black men that have the issue. Men like Chris Rock... ergo movies like "Good Hair" that in NO WAY deal with the actually issue and history behind "Good Hair". I am no longer a Chris Rock fan by any stretch of the imagination. Chris Rock, like some blacks before him, has sold out, embarrassed, an degraded his people just for some quick bucks.... if I was the queen, I'd have to "Off with his head". But forget my word... I ran into some great comments about the movie from a conversation I peeped in a website:
Here's the link to the conversation HERE. But I'll place a few major points below...
(I love Duke's opinion... why can't we have more men like this???)
I saw the movie with the moms and wifey and though I think you're funny Chris- the movie was biased and lacked any real historical content- where was the slavery? and the origination of "good hair"?
Where were the India Arie's, Tracee Ellis Ross's, Solanges, Jill Scott, Lauryn Hills and all those type women, the HUGE amount of black women that are natural and have been natural forever... it was sort of disrespectful towards women like my mom who have been "natural" since I can remember and all the women in my life who went natural during the whole "India Arie- I am Not my Hair" movement- as it has been dubbed. (and not to mention all the white women who have worn wigs and weaves since the beginning of time, calling out the black actresses when white actresses wear weaves and wigs more was also a point that you left out).
My man, you slacked heavily, and I gotta admit that I don't like the fact that now any white person who sees this movie is going to leave wrongfully thinking that all our black queens have perms and that if their hair is long its a weave- thats bullsh*t bruh... you could have done better. Most people in our movie theater left really disappointed. If you did somehow get good reviews its from white people- who eat up stereotypical ish like this.
I still can't get over how your really didn't go into the REAL meaning and history of "good hair"... anyway, I'll give you a C- for effort. But like everyone has been saying- you need to do a PART II ASAP.
Most of the black women I know have naturally long hair, while my white friends wear more weaves and wigs than the black ones... especially since white women invented wigs and weaves... even the founding fathers wore wigs. Miley Cyrus, Heidi Klum, Britney Spears, Megan Fox, Paris Hilton, every playboy model, etc etc they all wear them... I was listening to my local radio station today and the white hosts were quoting these "facts" - "most black women have perms" :if a black woman has long hair its fake"... it was sickening to listen to.
You really NEED to do a part II of this silly one-sided documentary and cover the historical context of good hair and how it stems from slavery... then you should end it with the fact that many many (I would say atleast half) black women these days are "natural" and no longer use 1950s lye perms (lol at you for having that in the movie- who uses lye perms anymore???)). I know I may sound more knowledgeable than the average nonblack woman, but thats the good thing about having a diverse group of friends- you aren't as ignorant. So Chris, I suggest you widening your group of friends... so you won't be as ignorant- because your movie is doing more bad than good.
Did you even see the movie or are you pulling stuff out the air? Where are you getting your information that supports your assertion that half of black women are natural? The movie clearly states that black women make up about 6.5 percent of the population, but they buy up to 40 percent of all hair care products. I don't think that half of this ... Read More
I think she's pulling it from what she sees... just like me. The majority of the women in my life are natural- and its beautiful. And to be honest when you go to the top schools in the country you see the same thing.. I went to MIT, my best friend went to Princeton he's now at HBS (harvard business school)... and about 3 years ago we both noticed how all the women on our campus were going natural.(it was sort of weird at first, but then we got used to it... i remember it like it was yesterday- every girl even the girls with the "mixed curly hair" cut off their perms) And even out in the "real world" i see just as many natural women as i see with perms/relaxers... I say all that to say that I think people of color with higher education and people of color who are more progressive thinking have many friends that are natural.
And as far as Chris's statistics... c'mon now, i know you're smarter than that- you know statistics are not always right.. sometimes people have stats and they only base them off a sampling of 40 people. So his 95% of black women etc etc... is probably just based off some random sampling of women he surveyed (most likely from hoodish type areas).
And as far as the "natural hair care products"- my wife uses the same stuff as her friends with perms use. All because your hair is natural doesn't mean you have to use some kind of "special product"- you can if you like but it's not necessary.
I do get Chris's point though- if we're buying most of the products we need to make sure that we're selling it- keep it in the community (my wife hates going into those asian owned beauty stores b/c they always have bad attitudes).
JESSICA L. THOMAS: I agree with you, brotha...
THINE: Chris indicated that he made the movie to address his daughter's perception of why she didn't have "good hair" not a question/concern of if black women wear natural hair. If we are honest we all know that in "our" communities natural hair isn't considered to be "good hair" unless it is a certain texture. So the movie would have been better if he ... Read More
DUKE: well maybe your in the wrong community... because in my community natural hair is good hair. its funny because my sister used to talk of the good hair back when we were younger, my mom gave her perms and all that.
then she went natural about 2.5 yrs ago and she actually has the "good hair" that she and so many other women have always wanted. its ironic because black women's natural hair is the "good hair".
then they use those products to make their hair even curlier... i hope im not saying this wrong, but i think she and my wife uses a product by "miss jessie"? it brings out their natural curls and make them really soft (and no its not a perm)... some people (men and women) use the texturizers which are light and only partially straighten the hair.
black women naturally have "good hair", just find the products to make it curlier i guess.
DUKE: And should Chris place blame on people? no.
But should Christ answer the real question of "good hair" and its origination? yes.
I don't like when people present half-truths... If you're going to do a "documentary" make it a real one. Make it meaningful- present the question, the problem, the background, and the solution.
It was a cowardness move on his behalf (his production, writers, etc) to not discuss the historical content that is very relevant. See African-American history.. which is just American history is not taught in school.. there's maybe one chapter in most grade school history books. Our people need to be educated... they need to know why, they need to be challenged: "why do i think this type of hair is good hair" "where did this phrase good hair come from" "how can i change my thinking so that i don continue to perpetuate something that is hindering my race".
What's that quote- you can't move forward without knowing where you've been and where you're going... I probably am saying it all wrong, but its a famous quote by some famous African-American person... my point is-- history is important. And that's what "our" community lacks- we forget our history, we let "outsiders" trick us into thinking that if we discuss it then we're placing blame, they guilt us into thinking that it is not important... but it is. We must learn from it. We must realize where certain behaviors and mindsets derived from, we must ask ourselves why we think this way... and that is what Chris Rock did not present.
That is why his "documentary" was entertaining and perhaps helpful from an economic view point, but was vacuous in really helping "our" people to understand the true nature of the "problem" and what "we" can do to fix it.
Pretty intense stuff, huh? What do you all think? I'm going to post more of Duke's conversation in the next post...
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